One: Ascending a hill for the second time due to a wrong turn on the previous day; we really should have mapped out our route ahead of time, but I guess that's Creeker style |
Two |
Three: Ryan making it look easy with that big smile (but he was hating having to ride in the pack with the rest of us, it was throwing off his rhythm) |
Four: Still friends after all these years |
Five |
Six: How did we never wrestle during this trip? |
Seven: Right before Cardon and Mikey put grass on my jersey; they're conspiring in this picture, assholes |
Eight: Cory trying to make it look easy, but his knee hurts |
Nine: Adrian asking everyone to stop so he can catch his breath |
Ten: Creekers about to pillage a campsite |
Eleven: Morning stretching |
Twelve: Getting dressed, prude style |
Thirteen: The sherpa nervously doing business |
Fourteen: More stretching |
Sixteen: Poop stain on Michael's jersey; even though he didn't reuse this jersey, he never did get the poop out of his yellow hat, which he wore daily |
Seventeen: Despite what guide books may say, the coast is very, very hilly |
Eighteen: The weather was amazing; we had very little rain |
Nineteen: Probably not a safe picture to take, but it felt safe at the time; there were a lot of things that at first appeared safe that we later realized weren't (like going down hills at max speed) |
Twenty: "Adrian" |
Twenty-one |
Twenty-two |
Twenty-three |
Twenty-four: Cory's [blank] eye |
Twenty-five: JJ, the documentarian |
Twenty-six: Cardon, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed |
Twenty-seven |
Twenty-eight |
Twenty-nine: Adrian blurring past us, even though it's not a downhill |
Thirty: Cory messing up my picture with his messed up face |
Thirty-one: Thanks Jared, dick |
Thirty-two: We put up this tent once and it reeked of smoke the rest of the time |
Thirty-three: Tight through the butt and a little flared at the ankle. Could these be girl pants? |
Thirty-four: Campfires each morning and night. Notice my cycling shorts dangling over the campfire above Levi's head; I struggled to dry them everyday |
Thirty-five: Despite Cardon's best efforts to single-handedly take up the space of three people, we crammed six people into the trailer on the wettest night of the trip |
Thirty-six: Morning oatmeal; somehow Ryan never ate enough for breakfast to ward off mid-morning hunger (not to mention early-afternoon, afternoon, mid-afternoon hunger) |
Thirty-seven |
Thirty-eight: My favorite picture |
Thirty-nine: Riding as a pack over the "Seven Devils" |
Forty: Eating the hottest Thai of my life in the middle of a 60-mile ride; and Michael's was even hotter than mine |
Forty-one: Cardon's wasn't even hot |
Forty-two: Adrian ready to battle the strong coastal winds |
Forty-three |
Forty-four |
Forty-five |
Forty-six |
Forty-seven: Mikey ready to ride the waves, which nearly killed me. I'm still recovering from being pummeled by those killers. |
Forty-eight |
Forty-nine |
Fifty |
Fifty-one |
Fifty-two: Levi right before I borrowed and lost his shoes in the ocean; sorry |
Fifty-three |
Fifty-four: Ryan installing new tubes |
Fifty-five: Cardon's handiwork |
Fifty-six |
Fifty-seven |
Fifty-eight |
Fifty-nine |
Sixty |
Sixty-one: Shift! |
Sixty-two |
Sixty-three: Waiting for construction workers to give us an okay to proceed |
Sixty-four: Creekers riding as a pack |
Sixty-five |
Sixty-six: Cory was so hungry he scrounged through the cooler and came up was this turkey, cheese, and mustard item |
Sixty-seven: We did it, Mom! |
Sixty-eight: Ryan is starving |
Sixty-nine: Ryan still starving, unable to celebrate |
Seventy: Cardon's gnarly sweat stain; he worked his ass off |
Seventy-one: Mikey, it seems like your knees are fine; and you're all about peace after the near war |