Monday, December 13, 2010

Today's Old School

Cardon sent me this video and I had to post it here, so dope.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I'm a huge multitasker. Mainly when it comes to reading Readers Digest while pooping. Every month I get a new RD and every month this add is in it. And every time I see it I can't help but think how much Ryan Summers and this dude look alike.

Sorry about the crumbled picture quality. I ripped it out of the mag thinking I would just show someone, but then I realized I could show everyone. Technology!

Love Mikey

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Ashleigh at the hospital.

Max getting his first look at his Mom.

Max wishing he was still looking at his mom!

Nice picture of Max on his second day at the hospital.

This is shortly after he was born and the nurses were checking to make sure he was healthy.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Creekercation 2011

The basic plan for Creekercation 2011 is to spend a long weekend in McCall, ID. Once we have dates we'll work on reserving some condos with space enough to accommodate all the individuals and families that want to come. We'll play tennis and football, swim, boat, hike, bike, and eat lots of delicious food. It will be as good or better than this year, even without the 300+ miles of biking. What do you think? Are you in? Please vote on the date on the right. 

A little Labor Day vacay

Cardon, Kelly, Mackenzie, and I had a rad Labor Day weekend. We had a rough plan to head north to Southern Vermont for camping and swimming. On our way, we made a serendipitous stop in Saugerties, NY, where we met Rae Stang, the owner of a chocolate shop. When we told her we didn't have a place to stay, she offered to put us up for the night if we'd help clean up the shop and then help her set up her farmers market booth the following morning. Rae had a beautiful old truck and an amazing apartment above the chocolate shop, full of awesome modern design (see below). Despite Rae's hospitality and invites to stay another day, we moved on to Vermont, where Cardon and Kelly had scoped out some fantastic swimming and cliff jumping spots. In the pics below, we're cliff jumping at one of the oldest marble quarries in the U.S. It has since filled with water and makes for the raddest cliff jumping site I've ever seen. We did a little apple picking and Cardon did some bouldering to round out the weekend. Look closely at the last picture to find Cardon spoiling a family moment. Hope you all had good weekends and that you're getting chances to get together in Utah, Idaho, or wherever else. You're always welcome to visit the East. Take a look here and here for more pics.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Volume One

 One: Ascending a hill for the second time due to a wrong turn on the previous day; we really should have mapped out our route ahead of time, but I guess that's Creeker style
Three: Ryan making it look easy with that big smile (but he was hating having to ride in the pack with the rest of us, it was throwing off his rhythm)
Four: Still friends after all these years
Six: How did we never wrestle during this trip?
Seven: Right before Cardon and Mikey put grass on my jersey; they're conspiring in this picture, assholes
Eight: Cory trying to make it look easy, but his knee hurts
Nine: Adrian asking everyone to stop so he can catch his breath
Ten: Creekers about to pillage a campsite
Eleven: Morning stretching
Twelve: Getting dressed, prude style
Thirteen: The sherpa nervously doing business
Fourteen: More stretching
Fifteen: This picture was taken right after Michael got pooped on by a bird, which was the highlight of Cory's trip; he giggled like a school girl. And rather than tell Michael about the poop, Cardon told someone to take a picture of it
Sixteen: Poop stain on Michael's jersey; even though he didn't reuse this jersey, he never did get the poop out of his yellow hat, which he wore daily
Seventeen: Despite what guide books may say, the coast is very, very hilly
Eighteen: The weather was amazing; we had very little rain
Nineteen: Probably not a safe picture to take, but it felt safe at the time; there were a lot of things that at first appeared safe that we later realized weren't (like going down hills at max speed)
Twenty: "Adrian"
Twenty-four: Cory's [blank] eye
Twenty-five: JJ, the documentarian
Twenty-six: Cardon, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
Twenty-nine: Adrian blurring past us, even though it's not a downhill
Thirty: Cory messing up my picture with his messed up face
Thirty-one: Thanks Jared, dick
Thirty-two: We put up this tent once and it reeked of smoke the rest of the time
Thirty-three: Tight through the butt and a little flared at the ankle. Could these be girl pants?
Thirty-four: Campfires each morning and night. Notice my cycling shorts dangling over the campfire above Levi's head; I struggled to dry them everyday
Thirty-five: Despite Cardon's best efforts to single-handedly take up the space of three people, we crammed six people into the trailer on the wettest night of the trip
Thirty-six: Morning oatmeal; somehow Ryan never ate enough for breakfast to ward off mid-morning hunger (not to mention  early-afternoon, afternoon, mid-afternoon hunger)
Thirty-eight: My favorite picture
Thirty-nine: Riding as a pack over the "Seven Devils"
Forty: Eating the hottest Thai of my life in the middle of a 60-mile ride; and Michael's was even hotter than mine
Forty-one: Cardon's wasn't even hot
Forty-two: Adrian ready to battle the strong coastal winds
Forty-seven: Mikey ready to ride the waves, which nearly killed me. I'm still recovering from being pummeled by those killers. 
Fifty-two: Levi right before I borrowed and lost his shoes in the ocean; sorry
Fifty-four: Ryan installing new tubes
Fifty-five: Cardon's handiwork
Sixty-one: Shift!
Sixty-three: Waiting for construction workers to give us an okay to proceed
Sixty-four: Creekers riding as a pack
Sixty-six: Cory was so hungry he scrounged through the cooler and came up was this turkey, cheese, and mustard item
Sixty-seven: We did it, Mom!
Sixty-eight: Ryan is starving
Sixty-nine: Ryan still starving, unable to celebrate
Seventy: Cardon's gnarly sweat stain; he worked his ass off
Seventy-one: Mikey, it seems like your knees are fine; and you're all about peace after the near war